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About us




                                                                                                      Executive Summary

Within counter-terrorism are many layers of threat and a new approach and strategy needed for dealing with them.  A Global Strategy for Counter-Terrorism has been developed in the most recent white house release with a clear and concise strategy for one and vision of global inclusion for another. The President stated, “But above all, we must be united in pursuing the one goal that transcends every other consideration. That goal is to meet history’s great test—to conquer extremism and vanquish the forces of terrorism.” More must be done in this area if we expect a substantial decrease in violations, and there is a definite need for more education and efforts.

The Global Counter-Terrorism Institute is an International level, operationally and academic independent-minded, non-partisan institution that promotes quality research and in-depth studies about issues like terrorism, human security, and cybersecurity, violence, and extremism, etc. 


The mission of the Global Counter-Terrorism Institute is to shape intellectual discourse and dialogue and impact public policy uniquely, developing an online educational curriculum. The Institute will translate the “Counter-terrorism reference guide” “action” through a head, heart and feet strategy: the head being research, data gathering, polling, and academic partnerships; the heart being civic education, training and development; and the feet being on the ground organizing and issue-based campaigns with Train the Trainer embedded training teams globally.


The Institute will change the discourse of public debate, train, and educate new leadership. It strives to bring together the best minds to ideate on crucial national and international issues that further the cause of peace and global harmony. The research-based credible, insightful, and thought-provoking study commands serious attention by policy and decision-makers at the highest level in the government on defense security, safety, surveillance, and international relations focusing on prevailing and developing strategies with future scenarios in operational and academia, around the world.




Terrorism evolves. The phenomena require new strategies to effectively respond to the multitudes of daily threats to a stable and peaceful existence.  The White House developed a streamlined approach to counter the manifestations of continued escalating radicalization, violent extremism, and terrorism.  Nations, through the various forms of leadership within intersecting industries, must unite to conquer the ever-evolving threats to our families, homes, communities, countries, and planet.  In response to this ever-present danger, Global Counter-Terrorism Institute emerged.


The Global Counter-Terrorism Institute is a global solutions provider. Encompassing the vast experience of practitioners, academia, defense, military, religion, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, civil society, and leadership, we combine our knowledge and understanding to respond effectively through prevention and counter-efforts to impact humanity positively.


First, we illuminated the need for violence prevention strategies starting at home in the residential area. With great strides, we are furthering the promotion of the inherent rights of all men, women, and children worldwide. A curriculum proportionate to the extremity is needed more than ever around the world. Not as news, but significant shifts in international education and attention to those who seek to exploit misuse and traffic and commit atrocities of violence and murder towards men, women, and children.


A collaboration of Institutions, agencies, and eye-opening research is needed more. Together with subject matter experts and educational institutions, we will continue to illuminate and facilitate developing this future curriculum required. Numerous experts in the field of counter-terrorism (CT), Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), and Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) have expressed there desire and interest. Collaboration is the key, and natural, unconscious narrative behaviors can undermine and leave achieving an active effort in drafting an educational approach to just words.


Vision Statement

The Global Counter-Terrorism Institute is an International level, operationally and academic independent-minded, non-partisan institution that promotes quality research and in-depth studies about issues like terrorism, human security, and cybersecurity, violence, and extremism, developed into an online curriculum program 



The mission of the Global Counter-Terrorism Institute is to shape intellectual discourse and dialogue and impact education uniquely, developing an online educational curriculum. The Institute will translate the “Counter-Terrorism Reference guide” into “action” through a head, heart and feet strategy: the head being research, data gathering, polling, and academic partnerships; the heart being civic education, training and development; and the feet being on the ground organizing and issue-based facilitation with “Train the Trainer” type embedded training teams globally.


Advisory Board

The function of an advisory board is to offer assistance to enterprises with anything from marketing to managing human resources to influencing the direction of regulators. ... Meeting quarterly or biannually, boards can provide strategic direction, guide quality improvement, and assess program effectiveness. The diverse background of the advisory committee must be sufficient for the many components with the counter-terrorism field and online education curriculum development.



In 2019 Todd Price founded the Global Counter-Terrorism Institute on the idea that education is the key to solve many issues in the area of terrorism, violence, and extremism. The many layers and components to counter-terrorism encompass so many aspects and that unless the operational world and the academic world collaborate, we end up developing separate programs within arenas with too many complex solutions. Solutions within the curriculum will address factors and underlying causes to which coursework can be designed to address these issues.


Strategy and analysis developed will form the basis for the online curriculum development and design coursework to follow using international standards. Standards are based on a global framework, and no organization can act efficiently alone. Cooperation is needed with other relevant institutions that are capable of providing additional assistance or knowledge. For this purpose, we have established strong relationships with a wide variety of partners – international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and private entities – who share our fields of interest. 


Strategic Analysis

Systematic Reviews of Terrorism Prevention Research Fact Sheet
DHS S&T, in coordination with the Five Country Research and Development (5RD) Terrorism Prevention Network, identified a need to conduct systematic reviews of prior research and evaluations. Each systemic review includes explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria for studies, an explicit, comprehensive search strategy designed to identify both published and unpublished studies, systematic extraction of information from the reviews, and an assessment of the validity of findings, and § meta-analysis of results across studies, if feasible.

Terrorism Prevention Grant Evaluation Fact Sheet
Past local terrorism prevention programs did not undergo robust, independent evaluation. To redress this gap, at the request of the DHS Office of Terrorism Prevention Partnerships (OTPP), the Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) was looked upon to collaborate with subject matter experts in the field to study these programs’ effectiveness in delivering information about what does and does not work in the prevention space. < >Terrorism Prevention Research Fact Sheet

Terrorism poses a significant risk to societies worldwide, and challenges persist in our ability to prevent its threat. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) directly supports DHS’s terrorism prevention mission, conducting applied research to deliver new capabilities and evaluating program and policy impacts to build the evidence base of what works. Everyone!  With terrorism becoming increasingly globalized and hybrid, unity of effort and comprehensive approaches become the critical paradigms for all counter-terrorism actors. Global terrorist networks take advantage of national and international legal loopholes and operational gray areas. In a field as dynamic as counter-terrorism, the lens of collective interest must replace the prism of national perspectives. Efforts should be joined in mutually reinforcing ways, beyond political entrenchments and doctrinal boundaries.  Studies generally find a positive causal impact of higher education and skill levels in an area on earnings, even for less educated workers.  Enrollment online is simple.  Welcome aboard!

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